Modul 1
The training of the future h2>
For over 50 years, we have been developing and manufacturing electronically controlled and intelligent exercise equipment for gyms
and healthcare facilities around the world.
milongroup Event 2022.
milongroup Event 2022.
For all people. For every training motive.
With digitally networked systems, we offer the solution for health-oriented training that perfectly combines strength and mobility according to the latest sports science findings and addresses all target groups - from competitive athletes to patients.
Strength & Mobility h2>
Our training philosophy offers a perfect combination of strength and flexibility training for all ages and training motives.
Für das beste Trainingserlebnis.
Mit Q snake, der neuen Trainingsvisualisierung in Schlangenform, trainieren deine Mitglieder oder Patienten ab sofort noch effektiver und motivierter. Das Einzigartige daran: Für jedes Kraftgerät, Motiv und Level wurde die Form der Schlange separat konfiguriert – für den besten Trainingsreiz.